Geo Raleigh-Durham Int. Arpt - North Carolina

Country United States 
State North Carolina 
County Wake 
City Raleigh-Durham Int. Arpt 
Zip code27513 
Longitude -78.78 dec. degr. 
Latitude 35.86 dec. degr. 
Altitude - Elevation
390ft / 119m

Date and Time Raleigh-Durham Int. Arpt - North Carolina

Local Time 12:19 AM 
Sunrise 06:29 AM 
Sunset 07:56 PM 
Day / Night Night 
Timezone New_York -5:00 
Timezone DB America/New_York 

Map of Raleigh-Durham Int. Arpt - North Carolina

map Raleigh-Durham Int. Arpt



ft: feet / m: meter
dec. degr.: Decimal degrees